Roof armour is quite excellent, coming in at 30 - 40 mm.Suspension wheels are 20 mm thick, tracks are 30 mm thick.Overall, the KV-1B can be trusted to drive over distance, but any quick changes in a pre-planned path could hinder its overall movement speed. Going up hills will be problematic if speed is not conserved for the climb. It accelerates efficiently on flat grounds going forward, but constant turning will burn off speed rapidly. The KV-1B's mobility is a mixed bag due to the heavier weight. This leaves only the round slope gun mantlet and the minuscule turret cheeks as prominent weak points towards the enemy. The common weak point on the KV-1 tanks from the front, the turret, also has some 25 mm applique armour covering the flat turret cheeks, reducing the flat 75 mm profile by a large margin. The turret side armour also experiences the same upgrade. The armour on the KV-1B is brought up to its great amount, especially for its battle rating, thanks to the additional 25 mm plates on the front and sides of the 75 mm hull plates.

Another worry for the firepower department is the turret traverse rate, which is rather slow. The choice between high-explosive and fragmentation ammunition is also liberty to take against lightly armoured vehicles. However, the APHEBC rounds with their explosive fillers are more than adequate to cripple enemy tanks should it penetrate. This gives the KV-1B a rather poor firepower rating, as a point-blank shot can only penetrate 73 mm. The KV-1B is armed with a 76 mm F-32 gun, which is equivalent to the L-11 gun on the early T-34 in-game. This was the Finnish armour camouflage scheme in World War 2, as the KV-1B represents one captured and being used in Finnish service. The KV-1B is unique for the German tree with its three-tone default camouflage of green, white, and brown. The applique armour is seen on the front hull plate, lower glacis, bits of the sides, and the turret sides. Performance wise, the KV-1B is identical to the Soviet KV-1E with the applique armour. Aside from these events, it is not available in-game or via the gift shop. The vehicle has since been available to be obtained via events, such as the March 2016 "War Thunder:100" team deathmatch event and the Warbond shop in the 4th, 5th, and 6th War Thunder anniversary. In 2015, an event known as "Summertime Madness" had the KV-1B available to be obtained as a prize. It was first obtainable by purchasing select MSI products in Russia.

Possibly the second rarest tank in-game, next to the E-100, the KV-1B cannot be obtained by ordinary means. It was first unveiled in the game in Update 1.41.27. With a battle rating of 4.3 (AB/SB) and 4.0 (RB). The ▀KV-IB is a premium gift rank III German heavy tank